Friday, October 15, 2010


I can't wait to grow old and wise, only to decide that those things aren't important and invest in some cosmetic surgery. What could be a better feeling than getting old and UGLY, only to be made into something that is relatively young-looking?

Don't worry about the fact that cosmetic surgery doesn't actually make people look young, but it does do something just a beneficial. We have all seen so many cosmetic surgery disasters that we now know exactly what they look like and mean. Instead of thinking that someone looks young we think, "Hey, that person doesn't like looking old," and that is just as good right? Hopefully, because that is exactly what everyone thinks. No one has ever gotten any kind of plastic surgery and been confused for a college student out on the prowl.

Speaking of old college people out on the prowl, I live near some cougars, and I wonder what their take on this type of surgery is. Actually, I do not want to get into that right now--I am running out of space. Whenever my posts near the end I always have to cut myself from talking about some other, unrelated topic. Like the cougar population in Northborough, because that is where I was going next.

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