When I was younger, my roommate and I once locked ourselves out of our apartment in the middle of the night. We lived on the ground floor so we went over to see if the back patio was open. As we were checking a car pulled up with a little siren on it. It was clear that this was not a cop, but it was someone from one of the many security guard companies in the area.
He got out of his car and shined a big light in our faces. He then began asking us what we thought we were doing, and to hand over our IDs. I was only eighteen at the time, which made me old enough to know that security guard companies did not employee cops, but still young enough to be rude for no reason. Just kidding, I had plenty of reasons to be rude.
After explaining the situation but withholding our IDs, the security guard left us to our own devices--we probably should have started breaking into apartments after that. From LA to Memphis security guards and security guard companies fill the streets with people who are similar to cops, they just lack the right kind of authority.
So what would you say is the best security company that I would want to work for? I have no experience but would love to learn whatever i can!