Monday, September 13, 2010


Seriously, what is the deal with acupuncture? I don't want anyone spouting science or energy charts to me. All I know is that when my body has a problem, my natural response is not "Man! I wish someone would stab me in an unrelated area!"

Acupuncture is just not for me. It's seems like one of those services that doesn't get too many new customers. that is to say, the only people who want acupuncture are the people who are already doing it; I don't see many people trying it out because they heard good things. Plus, in places like Los Angeles where acupuncture is huge, it just seems like people attempting to appear cultured rather than caring if it works or not. They want to be sitting around at brunch saying, "Oh, you've absolutely got to try it. They've been doing it for centuries over there, and they are so wise, you know? They really do have a very interesting culture." Your subtle racism will be lost on your rich friends, and they will see you as the progressive (don't worry, not too progressive) one in the group.

Acupuncture is not for me, but don't let that stop you from being cool. Try ear candling next, I hear that does wonders*.

*Nothing at all.

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